
working principles for hydraulic lift

Hydraulic cylinders working principle are as below:
Info come from mornlift

Hydraulic drive principle - to oil as the working medium to transmit motion by changing the sealed volume, power is transmitted through the fluid pressure inside.
1, the dynamic part - the original motivation of the mechanical energy is converted to pressure energy fluid (hydraulic energy). For example: a hydraulic pump.
2, the operative part - the oil pressure of the hydraulic pump input energy into mechanical energy to drive the work of agencies. For example: a hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic motor.
3, the control section - used to control and regulate the oil pressure, flow rate and flow direction. For example: a pressure control valve, flow control valve and the directional control valve.
4, the secondary part - the first three parts are connected together to form a system, from the oil reservoir, filtering, measuring and sealing effect. For example: pipes and fittings, tanks, filters, accumulators, seals and control instrumentation.

     The pressure in a volume of liquid at any point on the applied size can be transmitted equally in all directions. This means that when using a plurality of hydraulic cylinders, each hydraulic cylinder will pull or push the respective speeds, and these speeds depend the pressure required to move the load.
     A hydraulic cylinder at the same carrying capacity range, the minimum load bearing hydraulic cylinder will move first, carrying a hydraulic cylinder to move the end of the maximum load.
     To make the hydraulic cylinders synchronized movement, in order to achieve load at any point at the same speed is lifting, be sure to use the control valve in the system or synchronous jacking system components.

